About Us

December 2021

Holiday Cheer

In early December, we were able to celebrate the holiday season together with a festive luncheon and gift swap. Recent news of the rapid rise of COVID-19 variant Omicron is concerning to all and CDW is taking it very seriously. We remain committed to the health and safety of all our clients, our communities, and to the well being of our staff and their families. All employees are fully vaccinated and incorporating best practices to slow the spread of COVID-19 and its variants. We're here to help -- and to get the job done safely. Stay smart and healthy everyone!

October 2021

CDW Named WTS-Boston Employer of the Year

CDW is thrilled to be named the 2021 Employer of the Year by the Boston Chapter of WTS. CDW offers all employees opportunities to advance their careers and knowledge through encouraging active participation in WTS and other organizations, including serving in leadership positions on committees and boards. This happens because senior staff are themselves active WTS members, including CDW President Kathy Campbell.

September 2021

Proud to be a Sponsor for WTS Scholarship Golf Fundraiser

Great weather and good spirits abounded at the annual WTS-Boston Annual Golf Outing at Stow Country Club. The event raises money for the WTS Scholarship Program for women pursuing careers in transportation through undergraduate and graduate programs. Read about the 2021 winners.

August 2021

Doing the Heavy Lifting!

CDW field staff are busy transporting geotechnical rock cores to MWRA's Deer Island for testing and analysis. This is infrastructure resilience from the ground up! Summer 2021 has been an extremely busy time for CDW. To keep pace, we've hired new staff including interns from UMass-Boston and UMass-Lowell. Check out our Careers page for additional opportunities.

May 2021

CDW President Elected to SAME Boston Post Board

CDW President Kathy Campbell was elected to the Board of Directors of the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Boston Post. She will serve a three-year term for this prestigious organization, during which the Post will turn 100 years old!

April 2021

CDW Partners with UMass Boston in Federal Internship Program

CDW welcomes Phu Dao, the company’s first junior environmental scientist hired through the Federal Work‐Study Internship Program (FWSIP) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The initiative provides academically/career‐related opportunities for college students to work in a professional industry while pursuing their studies. A Boston native majoring in biology, Phu will be mentored by Christine Walsh, project manager at CDW, in the areas of environmental assessment and wetlands permitting for water supply projects. Their first virtual training session was all smiles!

March 2021

Conversations with Kathy & Liz ... Interactive SWEP Event

CDW's Kathy Campbell and Elizabeth Krol from EBI Consulting hosted an interactive discussion about how women can best define their career path, find opportunities despite challenges, and develop and leverage their network for success in the environmental consulting. The event was hosted by the Society of Women Environmental Professionals of Massachusetts (SWEP-MA). The mission of SWEP is to encourage and promote the leadership, achievement, professional and personal development of women involved or interested in environmental law, science, engineering, business, and policy.

January 2021

Exploring how organizations can proceed with more intentional anti-racism work

CDW employees have accepted the invitation to join in the virtual conversation on Thursday, February 11 at 10:30am: "Becoming part of the solution" to explore how individuals and organizations can proceed with more intentional anti-racism work. Three fundamental questions will be explored: What is racism? Why should everyone be more concerned about it? What can we do to eradicate it? Consider joining in, too.

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