
Federal Government / U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Boston Healthcare System, Jamaica Plain

Jamaica Plain, MA

CDW provided civil design and investigative services for the design of the site improvement project at this 10-acre federal hospital site. Our team prepared a Design Analysis of the entire site, evaluating the site’s entrance, parking lots, and associated sidewalks. As part of the Design Analysis supporting the recommended design, we evaluated the structural integrity of the roads and parking lots, prioritized the improvements and estimated the probable construction costs and duration of each improvement. The improvements incorporated into the design documents were those which were of high priority and within the range associated with the client’s budget. Design documents, design analysis, and estimate of construction cost were prepared for the 15%, 30%, 90%, and 100% design phases. The project included phasing the construction work and addressing storm water management of each construction phase. Design documents included details of critical elements of the works. CDW was the prime consultant on this contract.


Jamaica Plain VA
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