Federal Government / Department Of Defense
Natick Army Labs
Natick, MA
As a prime consultant, CDW provided architect-engineering services, including design and construction services for the development of a 6,000-square foot manufacturing facility at the Natick Soldier Systems Center (SSC). The design work utilized multiple staff disciplines of architects, as well as civil/site, structural, plumbing, electrical, and mechanical engineers using MCACES and SPECSINTACT. This project also included the renovation of four HVAC systems within and outside of multiple buildings at the SSC. The CDW Project Team provided four complete and separate bid packages to the client.
Under this IDIQ contract CDW also completed the design and cost estimating for the replacement of the Climatic Chambers at the SSC. Our experts used MCASES for cost estimating and SPECSINTACT for construction specifications. In addition, we completed the design for the connections of lavatory facilities within several buildings to the discharge water system, as well as the design for the renovation of a research laboratory. These tasks consisted of the repiping of effluent to segregate gray water from septage, selection and sizing of pumps, and power and controls for the pumping system. The total project construction cost was approximately $1 million.