Federal Government / EPA
Hanscom AFB
Bedford, MA
Hanscom Air Force Base consists of over 800 acres of land that was formerly operated by the Air Force for maintenance of fighter aircraft as well as research and development. CDW was retained to identify potential Volatile Organic Compounds and their impact on the local water supply. Our work included Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study and design support, as well as technical reviews of Wetland Restoration Plans, a landfill cap evaluation, and long-term landfill maintenance plans to ensure its integrity. Our team prepared an analysis of VOC contaminant contours from the available 1999, 2000, and 2001 Long Term Monitoring data. We then depicted the contours of the site plans, showing the total VOC, TCE, DCE and vinyl chloride concentrations for both the lower (glacial till) and bedrock aquifer for each of the three years.
CDW’s mapping efforts showed that refinements could be made to the current fate and transport Conceptual Site Model that was being used to make long-term remedial decisions. Specifically, the trend analysis showed that there were three or more sources, and certain plumes were advancing, while others were stable or receding. The outcome of this analysis was that the remedial decisions in the future could target specific site areas where mass removal or other methods might be effective in accelerating the cleanup timeframes.