Environmental Permitting
CDW works with project teams, agencies and regulators, to develop a coordinated approach to environmental permitting and the programs holding regulatory jurisdiction over a project.
During early stages of project planning, information is developed from preliminary concept designs and using available maps and other resources. The potential presence of endangered species, vernal pools, historic, archaeological or other special resources that could impact the project design are noted. After the initial investigation, strategies are established to provide the best permitting completion approach, considering the project as a whole. As the project evolves, more detailed strategies and timelines can be established.
Some projects, such as federally funded and state funded projects, may be subject to review under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and/or the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA). Under these reviews, project-specific potential impacts, such as noise, traffic, air quality, rare or endangered species, wetlands and water resources, hazardous waste storage, water usage, and other environmental concerns are identified and addressed through avoidance or mitigation. Permit requirements and/or conditions are then incorporated into the Contract Documents at periodic submissions.
The following is a list of the typical permits/approvals that are reviewed for their thresholds and requirements for projects in Massachusetts:
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Section 404 or Section 10, General Permit
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Environmental Assessment, Categorical Exclusion or Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: RCRA, Temporary ID for Transport
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: NPDES General Permit for Construction Stormwater Discharges
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: NPDES General Permit for Construction Dewatering
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Remediation General Permit
- Federal Aviation Agency (FAA): Notice of Proposed Construction
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Coordinated review if endangered species are present
- Massachusetts Architectural Access Board (AAB)
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection: Surface Water Discharge
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection: Chapter 91
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection: Water Quality Certificate
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection: Construction Dewatering Permit
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection: MA Contingency Plan
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection: Division of Air Quality
- Massachusetts Division of Coastal Zone Management (CZM): CZM Consistency
- Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and the Environmental: Environmental Notification Form and/or Environmental Impact Report under the Mass Environmental Policy Act
- Massachusetts Fisheries & Wildlife: Coordinated review if endangered species are present
- Massachusetts Historic Commission: Project Notification Form
- MWRA: 8(m) Permits for sewer and water lines
- MWRA: Department of Public Safety Trench Excavation Permit
- City of Boston approvals such as:
Inspectional Services: Rodent Control.
Local Conservation Commission: Coordinated review under Wetlands Protection Act
Local Bylaws and/or Ordinances