

Weston Field School

Weston, MA

CDW was retained to provide civil engineering and survey services for the site design and construction of a new elementary school in Weston. The Field School, now a 65,400 square foot, state-of-the-art building, sits on the Case Campus, which includes the Weston Library, Community Center and two other schools. The development of the school impacted the entire campus, in particular as it relates to access. CDW’s work involved a range of tasks which began with a Feasibility Study of the Field School Site and its relationship to the entire campus.

The Feasibility Study provided an analysis of the existing site conditions, including existing utility and septic system evaluations. As part of the Campus Master Planning efforts, CDW reviewed four design alternatives proposed by the project team and provided a narrative of the civil/site engineering impacts of each alternative. CDW also prepared a topographical survey of the approximately 20 acre-site, including the delineation and location of wetlands.

Next, CDW prepared the schematic design of the Site. The design consisted of revised roadway alignment including the design of a roundabout to replace a poorly aligned intersection, revisions and expansions to existing parking areas, new sidewalks, loading, unloading and parking areas, grading, drainage and stormwater management facilities, subsurface sewage disposal facilities, and revisions to athletic fields. CDW’s work included the preparation of a Notice of Intent to the Conservation Commission and Site Plan Approval with the Planning Board.

CDW was also responsible for Construction Administration for the Field School and Campus site work. Other Campus project work is described below. All work was carried out in accordance with the Massachusetts School Building Authority requirements.

Alphabet Lane Roadway Improvements

CDW designed roadway and drainage improvements to Alphabet Lane, the central access road on the Campus. The work included a hydrologic study of the area, design services for drainage infrastructure for the new roadway, a new drop-off area at the soccer field, the construction of a porous pavement parking area, and a grassed overflow parking lot.

Field School Septic System

CDW performed a site inspection of the existing Field School septic system, done in accordance with MassDEP Guidance for the Inspection of Subsurface Disposal Systems and Title 5. The field inspection included the collection and review of data relating to the existing system components and layout; the quantification of the source/type of sanitary sewage; an analysis of the failure criteria factors set forth in 310 CMR 15.303 and 15.304; a description of the septic tank, dosing tanks and pumps; a description of the condition of the soil absorption system area; and a determination of high groundwater elevations. CDW compiled this data into a report summarizing the results of site inspections, and upon discovering that the septic system for the Field School was failing, designed and permitted through MassDEP a new pressure dosing “large system” disposal field.

Woodland School Driveway Improvements

CDW provided civil engineering and design services improving the layout of the driveway from Alphabet Lane to Woodland School. The improvements widened the roadway to allow for the queuing of buses for student loading and unloading while at the same time significantly improving the two-way traffic flow. The new design included the reconfiguration of the parent drop-off/pick up area, new concrete walkways between the bus and parent drop-off areas and the school entry, and a new outdoor student learning area. Along with the pavement improvements, CDW provided the design for drainage and grading improvements.


Weston Field School
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