State & Local Government / Recreation
DCR Municipal Golf Courses
Multiple Cities, MA
CDW prepared Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans for two Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) municipal golf courses. In order to comply with regulatory standards for stormwater management during construction work on the sites, CDW conducted all work following the EPA Stormwater Guidance Document (EPA 833-R- 06-004, May 2007).
The report included the following items to guide the construction process under the DCR contract:
- Site evaluation, Assessment, and Planning
- Erosion and Sediment Control Best Management Practices (BMPs)
- Good Housekeeping BMPs
- Selecting Post-Construction BMPs.
CDW also performed a topographical land survey for the re-graded fairway areas on several golf holes. We prepared as-built plans showing the limits of the re-graded fairway areas as well as sufficient spot grades inside the limits so that a topographical surface with contours could be developed.