Transportation / Highways & Bridges
Atlantic Avenue Bridge
Cohasset, MA
CDW is conducting preliminary studies and review of project data to produce documents to support 25% design of the Atlantic Avenue Bridge over Little Harbor Inlet in Cohasset, Massachusetts. These documents will demonstrate the potential environmental effects of the proposed project. CDW is responsible for the environmental permitting process and will coordinate with local, regional, state, and federal agencies to determine whether environmental resources are in the project area, their extent, and potential significance. We are evaluating the following permit programs to satisfy the requirements found in the following state and federal environmental regulations.
- Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MGL c.131A)
- Article 97 (MGL c.21A s.2) – Protected Open Space
- Section 401 of the Clean Water Act – Water Quality Certification (33 USC s.1341, administered by state regulation found in 314 CMR 9.00)
- Section 402 of the Clean Water Act
- National Pollution Discharge
- Elimination System (NPDES, 33 USC s. 1342)
- Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 USC s.401)
- Coastal Zone Management Act (16 USC s.1451-1464)
- Section 9 of the Rivers and Harbors Act – Coast Guard Bridge Permit (33 USC s.401)
- United States Endangered Species Act (16 USC s. 1531 et seq.)
- Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 USC s.1271 et seq.)
- Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 USC s.470)
- Section 4(f) of the DOT Act (49 USC s.303)
CDW will also be conducting wetland resource area delineation in accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Federal Clean Water Act.